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How FriendFeed uses MySQL to store schema-less data
BackgroundWe use MySQL for storing all of the data in FriendFeed. Our database has grown a lot as our user base has grown. We now store over 250 million entries and a bunch of other data, from comments and “likes” to friend lists.As our database has grown, we have tried to iteratively deal with the scaling issues that come with rapid growth. We did the typical things, like using read slaves and memcache to increase read throughput and sharding our database to improve write throughput. However, as we grew, scaling our existing features to accomodate more traffic turned out to be much less of an issue than adding new features.In particular, making schema changes or adding indexes to a database with more than 10 – 20 million rows completely locks the database for hours at a time. Removing old indexes takes just as much time, and not removing them hurts performance because the database will continue to read and write to those unused blocks on every INSERT, pushing important blocks out of memory. There are complex operational procedures you can do to circumvent these problems (like setting up the new index on a slave, and then swapping the slave and the master), but those procedures are so error prone and heavyweight, they implicitly discouraged our adding features that would require schema/index changes. Since our databases are all heavily sharded, the relational features of MySQL like JOIN have never been useful to us, so we decided to look outside of the realm of RDBMS.Lots of projects exist designed to tackle the problem storing data with flexible schemas and building new indexes on the fly (e.g., CouchDB). However, none of them seemed widely-used enough by large sites to inspire confidence. In the tests we read about and ran ourselves, none of the projects were stable or battle-tested enough for our needs (see this somewhat outdated article on CouchDB, for example). MySQL works. It doesn’t corrupt data. Replication works. We understand its limitations already. We like MySQL for storage, just not RDBMS usage patterns.After some deliberation, we decided to implement a “schema-less” storage system on top of MySQL rather than use a completely new storage system. This post attempts to describe the high-level details of the system. We are curious how other large sites have tackled these problems, and we thought some of the design work we have done might be useful to other developers.OverviewOur datastore stores schema-less bags of properties (e.g., JSON objects or Python dictionaries). The only required property of stored entities is id, a 16-byte UUID. The rest of the entity is opaque as far as the datastore is concerned. We can change the “schema” simply by storing new properties.We index data in these entities by storing indexes in separate MySQL tables. If we want to index three properties in each entity, we will have three MySQL tables – one for each index. If we want to stop using an index, we stop writing to that table from our code and, optionally, drop the table from MySQL. If we want a new index, we make a new MySQL table for that index and run a process to asynchronously populate the index without disrupting our live service.As a result, we end up having more tables than we had before, but adding and removing indexes is easy. We have heavily optimized the process that populates new indexes (which we call “The Cleaner”) so that it fills new indexes rapidly without disrupting the site. We can store new properties and index them in a day’s time rather than a week’s time, and we don’t need to swap MySQL masters and slaves or do any other scary operational work to make it happen.DetailsIn MySQL, our entities are stored in a table that looks like this:CREATE TABLE entities ( added_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, id BINARY(16) NOT NULL, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, body MEDIUMBLOB, UNIQUE KEY (id), KEY (updated) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; The added_id column is present because InnoDB stores data rows physically in primary key order. The AUTO_INCREMENT primary key ensures new entities are written sequentially on disk after old entities, which helps for both read and write locality (new entities tend to be read more frequently than old entities since FriendFeed pages are ordered reverse-chronologically). Entity bodies are stored as zlib-compressed, pickled Python dictionaries.Indexes are stored in separate tables. To create a new index, we create a new table storing the attributes we want to index on all of our database shards. For example, a typical entity in FriendFeed might look like this:{ "id": "71f0c4d2291844cca2df6f486e96e37c", "user_id": "f48b0440ca0c4f66991c4d5f6a078eaf", "feed_id": "f48b0440ca0c4f66991c4d5f6a078eaf", "title": "We just launched a new backend system for FriendFeed!", "link": "http://friendfeed.com/e/71f0c4d2-2918-44cc-a2df-6f486e96e37c", "published": 1235697046, "updated": 1235697046, } We want to index the user_id attribute of these entities so we can render a page of all the entities a given user has posted. Our index table looks like this:CREATE TABLE index_user_id ( user_id BINARY(16) NOT NULL, entity_id BINARY(16) NOT NULL UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY (user_id, entity_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; Our datastore automatically maintains indexes on your behalf, so to start an instance of our datastore that stores entities like the structure above with the given indexes, you would write (in Python):user_id_index = friendfeed.datastore.Index( table="index_user_id", properties=["user_id"], shard_on="user_id") datastore = friendfeed.datastore.DataStore( mysql_shards=["", ""], indexes=[user_id_index]) new_entity = { "id": binascii.a2b_hex("71f0c4d2291844cca2df6f486e96e37c"), "user_id": binascii.a2b_hex("f48b0440ca0c4f66991c4d5f6a078eaf"), "feed_id": binascii.a2b_hex("f48b0440ca0c4f66991c4d5f6a078eaf"), "title": u"We just launched a new backend system for FriendFeed!", "link": u"http://friendfeed.com/e/71f0c4d2-2918-44cc-a2df-6f486e96e37c", "published": 1235697046, "updated": 1235697046, } datastore.put(new_entity) entity = datastore.get(binascii.a2b_hex("71f0c4d2291844cca2df6f486e96e37c")) entity = user_id_index.get_all(datastore, user_id=binascii.a2b_hex("f48b0440ca0c4f66991c4d5f6a078eaf")) The Index class above looks for the user_id property in all entities and automatically maintains the index in the index_user_id table. Since our database is sharded, the shard_on argument is used to determine which shard the index gets stored on (in this case, entity["user_id"] % num_shards).You can query an index using the index instance (see user_id_index.get_all above). The datastore code does the “join” between the index_user_id table and the entities table in Python, by first querying the index_user_id tables on all database shards to get a list of entity IDs and then fetching those entity IDs from the entities table.To add a new index, e.g., on the link property, we would create a new table:CREATE TABLE index_link ( link VARCHAR(735) NOT NULL, entity_id BINARY(16) NOT NULL UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY (link, entity_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; We would change our datastore initialization code to include this new index:user_id_index = friendfeed.datastore.Index( table="index_user_id", properties=["user_id"], shard_on="user_id") link_index = friendfeed.datastore.Index( table="index_link", properties=["link"], shard_on="link") datastore = friendfeed.datastore.DataStore( mysql_shards=["", ""], indexes=[user_id_index, link_index]) And we could populate the index asynchronously (even while serving live traffic) with:./rundatastorecleaner.py --index=index_link Consistency and AtomicitySince our database is sharded, and indexes for an entity can be stored on different shards than the entities themselves, consistency is an issue. What if the process crashes before it has written to all the index tables?Building a transaction protocol was appealing to the most ambitious of FriendFeed engineers, but we wanted to keep the system as simple as possible. We decided to loosen constraints such that: The property bag stored in the main entities table is canonical Indexes may not reflect the actual entity values Consequently, we write a new entity to the database with the following steps: Write the entity to the entities table, using the ACID properties of InnoDB Write the indexes to all of the index tables on all of the shards When we read from the index tables, we know they may not be accurate (i.e., they may reflect old property values if writing has not finished step 2). To ensure we don’t return invalid entities based on the constraints above, we use the index tables to determine which entities to read, but we re-apply the query filters on the entities themselves rather than trusting the integrity of the indexes: Read the entity_id from all of the index tables based on the query Read the entities from the entities table from the given entity IDs Filter (in Python) all of the entities that do not match the query conditions based on the actual property values To ensure that indexes are not missing perpetually and inconsistencies are eventually fixed, the “Cleaner” process I mentioned above runs continously over the entities table, writing missing indexes and cleaning up old and invalid indexes. It cleans recently updated entities first, so inconsistencies in the indexes get fixed fairly quickly (within a couple of seconds) in practice.PerformanceWe have optimized our primary indexes quite a bit in this new system, and we are quite pleased with the results. Here is a graph of FriendFeed page view latency for the past month (we launched the new backend a couple of days ago, as you can tell by the dramatic drop):In particular, the latency of our system is now remarkably stable, even during peak mid-day hours. Here is a graph of FriendFeed page view latency for the past 24 hours:Compare this to one week ago:The system has been really easy to work with so far. We have already changed the indexes a couple of times since we deployed the system, and we have started converting some of our biggest MySQL tables to use this new scheme so we can change their structure more liberally going forward.FROM:http://bret.appspot.com/entry/how-friendfeed-uses-mysql
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1、HTML静态化其实大家都知道,效率最高、消耗最小的就是纯静态化的html页面,所以我们尽可能使我们的网站上的页面采用静态页面来实现,这个最简单的方法其实也是最有效的方法。但是对于大量内容并且频繁更新的网站,我们无法全部手动去挨个实现,于是出现了我们常见的信息发布系统CMS,像我们常访问的各个门户站点的新闻频道,甚至他们的其他频道,都是通过信息发布系统来管理和实现的,信息发布系统可以实现最简单的信息录入自动生成静态页面,还能具备频道管理、权限管理、自动抓取等功能,对于一个大型网站来说,拥有一套高效、可管理的CMS是必不可少的。除了门户和信息发布类型的网站,对于交互性要求很高的社区类型网站来说,尽可能的静态化也是提高性能的必要手段,将社区内的帖子、文章进行实时的静态化,有更新的时候再重新静态化也是大量使用的策略,像Mop的大杂烩就是使用了这样的策略,网易社区等也是如此。同时,html静态化也是某些缓存策略使用的手段,对于系统中频繁使用数据库查询但是内容更新很小的应用,可以考虑使用html静态化来实现,比如论坛中论坛的公用设置信息,这些信息目前的主流论坛都可以进行后台管理并且存储再数据库中,这些信息其实大量被前台程序调用,但是更新频率很小,可以考虑将这部分内容进行后台更新的时候进行静态化,这样避免了大量的数据库访问请求。2、图片服务器分离大家知道,对于Web服务器来说,不管是Apache、IIS还是其他容器,图片是最消耗资源的,于是我们有必要将图片与页面进行分离,这是基本上大型网站都会采用的策略,他们都有独立的图片服务器,甚至很多台图片服务器。这样的架构可以降低提供页面访问请求的服务器系统压力,并且可以保证系统不会因为图片问题而崩溃,在应用服务器和图片服务器上,可以进行不同的配置优化,比如apache在配置ContentType的时候可以尽量少支持,尽可能少的LoadModule,保证更高的系统消耗和执行效率。3、数据库集群和库表散列大型网站都有复杂的应用,这些应用必须使用数据库,那么在面对大量访问的时候,数据库的瓶颈很快就能显现出来,这时一台数据库将很快无法满足应用,于是我们需要使用数据库集群或者库表散列。在数据库集群方面,很多数据库都有自己的解决方案,Oracle、Sybase等都有很好的方案,常用的MySQL提供的Master/Slave也是类似的方案,您使用了什么样的DB,就参考相应的解决方案来实施即可。上面提到的数据库集群由于在架构、成本、扩张性方面都会受到所采用DB类型的限制,于是我们需要从应用程序的角度来考虑改善系统架构,库表散列是常用并且最有效的解决方案。我们在应用程序中安装业务和应用或者功能模块将数据库进行分离,不同的模块对应不同的数据库或者表,再按照一定的策略对某个页面或者功能进行更小的数据库散列,比如用户表,按照用户ID进行表散列,这样就能够低成本的提升系统的性能并且有很好的扩展性。sohu的论坛就是采用了这样的架构,将论坛的用户、设置、帖子等信息进行数据库分离,然后对帖子、用户按照板块和ID进行散列数据库和表,最终可以在配置文件中进行简单的配置便能让系统随时增加一台低成本的数据库进来补充系统性能。4、缓存缓存一词搞技术的都接触过,很多地方用到缓存。网站架构和网站开发中的缓存也是非常重要。这里先讲述最基本的两种缓存。高级和分布式的缓存在后面讲述。架构方面的缓存,对Apache比较熟悉的人都能知道Apache提供了自己的缓存模块,也可以使用外加的Squid模块进行缓存,这两种方式均可以有效的提高Apache的访问响应能力。网站程序开发方面的缓存,Linux上提供的Memory Cache是常用的缓存接口,可以在web开发中使用,比如用Java开发的时候就可以调用MemoryCache对一些数据进行缓存和通讯共享,一些大型社区使用了这样的架构。另外,在使用web语言开发的时候,各种语言基本都有自己的缓存模块和方法,PHP有Pear的Cache模块,Java就更多了,.net不是很熟悉,相信也肯定有。5、镜像镜像是大型网站常采用的提高性能和数据安全性的方式,镜像的技术可以解决不同网络接入商和地域带来的用户访问速度差异,比如ChinaNet和EduNet之间的差异就促使了很多网站在教育网内搭建镜像站点,数据进行定时更新或者实时更新。在镜像的细节技术方面,这里不阐述太深,有很多专业的现成的解决架构和产品可选。也有廉价的通过软件实现的思路,比如Linux上的rsync等工具。6、负载均衡负载均衡将是大型网站解决高负荷访问和大量并发请求采用的终极解决办法。负载均衡技术发展了多年,有很多专业的服务提供商和产品可以选择,我个人接触过一些解决方法,其中有两个架构可以给大家做参考。7、硬件四层交换第四层交换使用第三层和第四层信息包的报头信息,根据应用区间识别业务流,将整个区间段的业务流分配到合适的应用服务器进行处理。 第四层交换功能就象是虚 IP,指向物理服务器。它传输的业务服从的协议多种多样,有HTTP、FTP、NFS、Telnet或其他协议。这些业务在物理服务器基础上,需要复杂的载量平衡算法。在IP世界,业务类型由终端TCP或UDP端口地址来决定,在第四层交换中的应用区间则由源端和终端IP地址、TCP和UDP端口共同决定。在硬件四层交换产品领域,有一些知名的产品可以选择,比如Alteon、F5等,这些产品很昂贵,但是物有所值,能够提供非常优秀的性能和很灵活的管理能力。Yahoo中国当初接近2000台服务器使用了三四台Alteon就搞定了。8、软件四层交换大家知道了硬件四层交换机的原理后,基于OSI模型来实现的软件四层交换也就应运而生,这样的解决方案实现的原理一致,不过性能稍差。但是满足一定量的压力还是游刃有余的,有人说软件实现方式其实更灵活,处理能力完全看你配置的熟悉能力。软件四层交换我们可以使用Linux上常用的LVS来解决,LVS就是Linux Virtual Server,他提供了基于心跳线heartbeat的实时灾难应对解决方案,提高系统的鲁棒性,同时可供了灵活的虚拟VIP配置和管理功能,可以同时满足多种应用需求,这对于分布式的系统来说必不可少。一个典型的使用负载均衡的策略就是,在软件或者硬件四层交换的基础上搭建squid集群,这种思路在很多大型网站包括搜索引擎上被采用,这样的架构低成本、高性能还有很强的扩张性,随时往架构里面增减节点都非常容易。这样的架构我准备空了专门详细整理一下和大家探讨。对于大型网站来说,前面提到的每个方法可能都会被同时使用到,我这里介绍得比较浅显,具体实现过程中很多细节还需要大家慢慢熟悉和体会,有时一个很小的squid参数或者apache参数设置,对于系统性能的影响就会很大,希望大家一起讨论,达到抛砖引玉之效。FROM:CU
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